
Construction with N&K

  • Manage Your Business

    Operational and business process review: Review of current fiscal processes to make recommendations on improvements.

    Financial reporting services: Perform a contract schedule analysis and develop a presentation for a Company’s financial statements.

    Assistance with IRC Section 42 Low-Income Housing tax credits: Provide guidance with program requirements from pre-development through the compliance period.

    Look-back analysis: Determine if IRC Section 460(b)(2) applies to a Company and compute interest for Form 8697.

    Job costing and overhead analysis: Analyzing overhead allocation methodologies.

    Review ROI analysis on PV and Solar systems: Review the reasonableness of return on investment computations for photovoltaic and solar system installations.

  • Grow Your Business

    Cash flow forecast and projections: Estimate and manage cash flow requirements to properly plan for the future.

    Bonding and loan assistance: Assist with surety and banking requirements.

  • Compliance

    Tax planning and consulting: Maximize your resources in the most tax-efficient way possible.

    REAC filing: Provide assistance with U.S. Department of Urban Development’s REAC filing requirements.

    Cost certifications: Certify project costs for filing with Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation and U.S. Department of Urban Development programs.

    Ongoing rental audits: Audit rental housing projects to comply with loan or partnership agreements.

    Overhead rate audits: Review overhead rate computations in compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulations.

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